Monday, September 15, 2008


Well, the highly anticipated video game known as Spore came out last week and I purchased it on the day it came out (got the last one in stock at Target).  The game is very well made and gigantic; Over three gigabytes of my computer's hard drive is now filled up and was not a week ago. Anyway, it is a great game.

You start off creating a cell. You then swim around in a pool of water with other cells. You then evolve (I don't believe in evolution because I'm a Christian, but the game is really fun) into a creature with some limbs. Eventually you build a brain and create a tribe. After allying or defeating other tribes, you build a civilized nation. Finally, after conquering the world, you can travel to space and to other star systems.

Throughout the creature and cell stage you can evolve your creature into any form with any type of body part as long as you have unlocked it. Also, during the tribal stage, you can wear different types of "clothing" (mainly just chest pieces and hats). Finally, during the civilization stage and space stage, you get to build houses and vehicles.

The point of the space stage is to get your pilot to become the most renowned in the galaxy (well, not really, but you gain ranks; the highest rank is called "Omnipotent" meaning all-powerful). Also, you are trying to reach the center of the galaxy, a feat hard to accomplish because it is surrounded by hundreds of star systems full of The Grox Empire, the most notoriously evil species in the galaxy.

Once you reach the center of the galaxy, one of the most hilarious cutscenes you will ever see takes place. It's pretty awesome (did I mention I beat the game already, almost twice).

I'd recommend the game for anyone who likes creating creatures, vehicles, spaceships, etc and for people who like virtually interacting with other species.

1 comment:

Alli Howard said...

Hm seems like a good game but I don't think I will ever play it because it supports evolution...
Nice way to show the good in the game though.