Monday, September 15, 2008


Well, the highly anticipated video game known as Spore came out last week and I purchased it on the day it came out (got the last one in stock at Target).  The game is very well made and gigantic; Over three gigabytes of my computer's hard drive is now filled up and was not a week ago. Anyway, it is a great game.

You start off creating a cell. You then swim around in a pool of water with other cells. You then evolve (I don't believe in evolution because I'm a Christian, but the game is really fun) into a creature with some limbs. Eventually you build a brain and create a tribe. After allying or defeating other tribes, you build a civilized nation. Finally, after conquering the world, you can travel to space and to other star systems.

Throughout the creature and cell stage you can evolve your creature into any form with any type of body part as long as you have unlocked it. Also, during the tribal stage, you can wear different types of "clothing" (mainly just chest pieces and hats). Finally, during the civilization stage and space stage, you get to build houses and vehicles.

The point of the space stage is to get your pilot to become the most renowned in the galaxy (well, not really, but you gain ranks; the highest rank is called "Omnipotent" meaning all-powerful). Also, you are trying to reach the center of the galaxy, a feat hard to accomplish because it is surrounded by hundreds of star systems full of The Grox Empire, the most notoriously evil species in the galaxy.

Once you reach the center of the galaxy, one of the most hilarious cutscenes you will ever see takes place. It's pretty awesome (did I mention I beat the game already, almost twice).

I'd recommend the game for anyone who likes creating creatures, vehicles, spaceships, etc and for people who like virtually interacting with other species.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Conclusion [And Saiunkoku Monogatari]

Yes, I foreshadowed this post in the last one, kind of. I foreshadowed the title (minus the Japanese part), but it's still the same and makes no difference whatsoever to the actual post except when I explain what a conclusion is.

A conclusion usually pulls all the points together that were made in the essay by summarizing the points and restating the thesis in new words. However, a problem people have is with the "conclusion" part. Students tend to add a point in their conclusion that they did not have in the rest of their essay. That is bad. A conclusion concludes, and should not be an introduction to other points. Conclusion paragraphs also state a closing statement, which explains the entire essay in one sentence. A quotation is often a good closing statement as long as it fits well with the essay; however, it is sometimes best to just make up some philosophical sentence because those are always fun.

Anyway, time for the purpose of this post: to talk about a specific anime called Saiunkoku Monogatari, or The Tale of Saiunkoku. in it's English dub. I won't give the plot away very much, partly because I haven't watched the entire thing yet, I don't want to spoil it, and there is way too much plot to be able to spoil. I'll just talk about general aspects of it.

Saiunkoku Monogatar takes place in a land called Saiunkoku where a Young leader ascends through the throne, but not because he is the first born. He is actually the fifth born son. Three of his older brothers died in a war and the his other older brother was banished a long time before. Anyway, the main character is a girl who is originally assigned to be the emperor's consort for six months in order to get the new emperor into shape (he was slacking off and not taking care of his responsibilites). Well, the plot thickens and a lot happens after that six months.

I'm here to explain why this anime is interesting. One, it's a romantic, action comedy, so it's very funny and has a lot of action.

Two, at first the anime seems like it has no where to go because time flies in the anime, with six months passing in only a few episodes. This made me think that it wouldn't go anywhere and would be over soon, However, the anime's first season has 39 episodes and a second season with 39 episodes as well. After watching for a while, I am very surprised and entertained about how they keep developing the plot further and further.

Third, the music is pretty good. Not only is there music throughout the anime, but the main character plays the Erhu, an oriental Japanese instrument. It sounds pretty cool.

Fourth, the characters are just hilarious. One character passed the national exams at the top of his class and is an excellent soldier, but he always gets lost. Like, he gets lost in his own house. There are several other characters, but I'll leave you to find out what they're like.

Anyway, it's a pretty good anime. I'll give it an 8/10 so far (I'm over halfway through the first season). So, if you have time, you should watch a few episodes. You never know, maybe you'll like it.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Body paragraph

Indeed, I am using an essay format to name my posts, for now at least. However, there is a point to that (not really) that I will mention later (first I need to find a reason). Actually it's because I could not think of a name for the first one and I just felt like continuing it here. Also, I was going to say some lame joke about a body of a paragraph; something that personifies the paragraph. Anyway, it was too lame, so I'm not going to say it.

Body paragraphs are supposed to do one thing: get the point across in a strong, clear way using evidence and explanations of said evidence to strengthen the point. That is not what I am going to do here. This blog post is simply going to underline some of my key interests (the ones mentioned in my blog profile). So, here I go.

Rawr. My main interest is anime at the moment. Anime is Japanese animation, like cartoons (American animation), but better. Ever heard of Sailormoon, Pokemon, or maybe Naruto? Well, those are anime. I have watched a lot of anime, but most of it I watched last year when I wasn't in school (I watched an average of ten episodes every school day last year). For a list of the anime I have watched and wish to watch, go see the link at the end of the post, or go to my profile and click "My Website."

I like all anime, even the girly romatic ones. Indeed, I am quite the emotional person. Anyway, anime for me is to allow me to watch something that I wish I could be a part of. It allows me to be a samurai, be in a Japanese high school with little adventures, pilot a giant robot, and much more. It's very fun and exciting. However, sometimes I get way into the anime and get stressed out when a character makes the wrong choice or jumps to conlclusions.

Anyway, another interest of mine are video games. I grew up with Atari at my Grandparents house and a Super Nintendo (SNES) at my house (I didn't get the NES until a few years ago). Super Mario All Stars was my game of choice; it was the rarer game cartridge that includes Super Mario World. Also, there was Kirby and Donkey Kong, and many others. Then came the gameboy, N64, Playstation, Gameboy Advance PS2, Gamecube, Xbox, Wii, and finally the DS. I've played many games, but my favorite game series are Mario and Final Fantasy. My favorite game is Final Fantasy VI because of the great storyline, controls, emotional responses, and gamplay. Video games are definitely very entertaining.

Finally, I will talk about sports. I love sports, but I hate being on sports teams. I also dislike watching most sports (with the exception of tennis and volleyball). Even though I don't play on official teams, I do play sports. My favorite sports require a net and a ball; Tennis, Volleyball, pingpong, Badminton, etc. Not only are they my favorite, but I am pretty good at them as well. I'm an all-around player, so I am pretty athletic and can play almost any sports, but I generally like to stick with the net sports because they are the most fun for me.

Okay, so one last thing to talk about. McDonald's Happy Meal toys. Yes, I said it; Happy Meal toys. The Star Wars Happy Meal toys that just came out caught my eye and I have been collecting them over the past week. I have eight of them at the moment and I plan to collect some more. I hadn't had a Happy Meal since around 10-12 years ago, but when I saw the toys, I figured it was time to have the again.

Anyway, that concludes (foreshadowing?) this post. The only thing left for me to do is post my anime list, so here it is: